Matchstick Tooth Man
The hunter has slayed the Great Lion – the ruler of the beasts. He rejoices, but a tear falls from the lion’s head as it leaves its body. The tear becomes the matchstick tooth man, who has separated himself from the beasts, and in the moment of separation has grown a mouth full of matchsticks. Every word he utters sets the world aflame. First it looks like progress, the fire warms us, protects us, sheds a light into the dark and unknown night. Then, one day, we find ourselves standing in a circle, hand in hand, around a ring of ashes.
This painting came from a dream and evolved like a dream. The next moment in the painting is the moment the man discovers the world in flames, but is unable to put it out with the words that continue to feed the fire. Until he quiets his quest for power, and humbly bows his head. His tear puts out a small fire, and then re-inspires the circle of life.