Time and Reality began with a vivid dream in which my grandson Jax was suffocated by a sheet of plastic. The question that arose, in my horror and panic over the situation was, “How can I bring him back?”
The answer came with the breath of resuscitation and the ensuing reversal of time.
By painting this dream I faced, in my imagination, the unthinkable possibility that the world we have created is already uninhabitable for my grandsons.
The veils emerged. He is trapped in a web that has spun itself around him. But, his gaze is piercing and focused, and the veils become more and more permeable. I see the veils as constructs of time and space that control and limit possibilities. I also see them, in this painting, as dissolving. His gaze, one of authority and sovereignty stands as a testimony of who is is, as his history and future, but more than anything, present in the now. This is what dissolves the veils.

Time and Reality