by Dawn Patel | Jun 19, 2014 | art is free, Chance, change, conceptual art, creative process, freeartsmovement, interactive art, mystery stones, painted rocks, play, public art, traveling art
This one is just in! #57 in Hudson Wisconsin. The Mystery Stone Project has launched, and it all started with these humble rocks! Here’s Dale at Sturgeon Bay Sand and Gravel. If this project inspires you to paint a large quantity of rocks check...
by Dawn Patel | Jun 10, 2014 | art, artists process, Brilliant Stranger, change, conceptual art, creative process, impermanence, mystery, mystery stones, technology, time, travel
The Mystery Stone project will launch at the end of June. (please note, this was June 2014) Hundreds of little painted stones will be released into the world. It’s time to write about the mystery stones. It all began when I woke up one day and decided I...
by Dawn Patel | May 31, 2014 | Brilliant Stranger, dawn patel art, Door County, identity, Lost Moth Gallery, painting, place, poems, poetry, returning to art, therapy, visionary art, why paint?
My painting from 2000/2001 is now hanging at Lost Moth Gallery in Egg HarborThis is the place where the land and water meet. This is the place where the waves crash against your feet. This is the place where shore greets sea. This is the place where...
by Dawn Patel | May 25, 2014 | art, artists studio, being brave, Brilliant Stranger, Chance, change, creative process, dawn patel art, doors of perception, healing through art, nature, Randomness artists process, The nature of time
When life hands you lemons, make something nourishing, and get strongerIt’s been a long time since I’ve posted. A lot has happened and I have not been in the right frame of mind to write about it. When we are navigating through unexpected...
by Dawn Patel | Apr 27, 2014 | art, art business, artists process, Brian Greene, business, creative process, dawn patel art, On Being, painting, Physics, relativity, science and art, selling art, studio, The nature of time, time
Close up of Painted Door…as of yet this is untitledPainted DoorIt’s been the spring of slow beginnings here in Door County Wisconsin. It’s April 27 and it’s a chilly 37 degrees today. None of the bulbs in our woods have...