by Dawn Patel | Apr 17, 2014 | art, artists, artists process, Behemoth and Leviathon, Blake quotes, Buddha, buddhism, doors of perception, genius, knowledge, painting, visionary art, why paint?, William Blake
In Life As in Art: Lessons from the StudioWilliam Blake”Behemoth and Leviathan”c. 1805 – 1810 I love the paintings of William Blake. I don’t share his religious sensibilities, but when I look closely at them I share something beyond...
by Dawn Patel | Apr 13, 2014 | art, art therapy, artists, artists process, artists studio, being brave, belief, blogging, creative process, domestic abuse, domestic violence, healing from abuse, healing through art
With every new painting I essentially say the same thing, “I Am Here.”This blog has become a public platform for some very personal topics. I am driven by the belief that our most personal stories are in fact the most universal. Everyone has...
by Dawn Patel | Mar 30, 2014 | art, art therapy, artists, artists process, blogging, domestic abuse, healing, healing from abuse, healing through art, life is stranger than fiction, living your dream, spirituality, visionary art
“The Way Home” Finished PaintingSometimes life is stranger than fiction. Life certainly gets interesting when you are truthful with yourself. Somewhere, deep inside our subconscious, where no one else can give...
by Dawn Patel | Mar 23, 2014 | art, art therapy, artists, artists process, belief, domestic abuse, faith, healing, healing from abuse, healing through art, spirituality, studio, therapy, visionary art
“The Escape” is now “The Way Home”This painting is still in progress, but I felt the urge to write a short but hopefully sweet post reflecting on where I’m at in the process. Since posting the post “Victim no More” I have...
by Dawn Patel | Mar 21, 2014 | art, art therapy, artists process, dawn patel art, domestic abuse, domestic violence, harassment, healing, healing from abuse, healing through art, visionary art, why paint?
Painting in Progress. The Escape is becoming a new painting. I’m still not sure of the new title.I posted my last post ten days ago. It began with the phrase “Victim no More,” and when I wrote it I knew that would...