Manifesto of a Solitary Artist in the Age of Unenlightenment

A Confession, a Conclusion, a Manifesto….Otherwise titled, Five Years in the Journey of a Artist in the Age of UnenlightenmentOtherwise titled… Onward!Five years ago I sat a table with a small group of friends and revealed to them my decision to step away from the...

Visionary Painting

Visionary Painting is a very broad term that many people claim.  In my opinion they are all valid but they are all not the same.I am not borrowing other’s philosophies that speak to me and making illustrative collages with known images in order to...

Aftermath of Speaking Out: What Breaks Us, What Puts Us Back Together.

With every new painting I essentially say the same thing, “I Am Here.”This blog has become a public platform for some very personal topics.  I am driven by the belief that our most personal stories are in fact the most universal.  Everyone has...

Healing and Art: The Truth Will Set You Free

“The Way Home”          Finished PaintingSometimes life is stranger than fiction.  Life certainly gets interesting when you are truthful with yourself.   Somewhere, deep inside our subconscious, where no one else can give...