by Dawn Patel | Apr 27, 2014 | art, art business, artists process, Brian Greene, business, creative process, dawn patel art, On Being, painting, Physics, relativity, science and art, selling art, studio, The nature of time, time
Close up of Painted Door…as of yet this is untitledPainted DoorIt’s been the spring of slow beginnings here in Door County Wisconsin. It’s April 27 and it’s a chilly 37 degrees today. None of the bulbs in our woods have...
by Dawn Patel | Apr 13, 2014 | art, art therapy, artists, artists process, artists studio, being brave, belief, blogging, creative process, domestic abuse, domestic violence, healing from abuse, healing through art
With every new painting I essentially say the same thing, “I Am Here.”This blog has become a public platform for some very personal topics. I am driven by the belief that our most personal stories are in fact the most universal. Everyone has...
by Dawn Patel | Feb 25, 2014 | artists, artists studio, creative process, layered painting, mixed media, painting
The bird without feet flies to the tree without branchesI have been painting in layers for so long now I can hardly remember how it all started. Ironic, actually, because to me layers are all about time and memory, our experiences and how they sometimes fade,...
by Dawn Patel | Feb 8, 2014 | art, artists, artists process, artists studio, buddhism, creative process, layered painting, painting, spirituality
Intermediary: Work in ProgressIt’s fun to talk about a painting in progress, sometimes for me more enjoyable than talking about a painting after it’s finished. Once the work is finished, everything has been decided. At that point I’m much...
by Dawn Patel | Feb 4, 2014 | art, artists, artists process, artists studio, Brilliant Stranger, creative process, dawn patel art, layered painting, mixed media, phoenix
Phoenix: Finished PaintingI love to allow the viewer into the day to day excitement of making a work of art. My style of painting has developed over years of practice and trial and error, evolving into an idiosyncratic intuitive process of layering.This is the...
by Dawn Patel | Jan 30, 2014 | art, art business, artists, artists process, artists studio, Brilliant Stranger, creative process, dawn patel, dawn patel art, decoupage, fabric, layered painting, mixed media, painting, three graces, why paint?
Work in Progress: “The Three Graces Revised” Mixed media on cast fabric After an eight day trip to visit with my daughter I am back in the studio, refreshed and inspired. There’s something magical and mysterious that...