by Dawn Patel | Apr 13, 2014 | art, art therapy, artists, artists process, artists studio, being brave, belief, blogging, creative process, domestic abuse, domestic violence, healing from abuse, healing through art
With every new painting I essentially say the same thing, “I Am Here.”This blog has become a public platform for some very personal topics. I am driven by the belief that our most personal stories are in fact the most universal. Everyone has...
by Dawn Patel | Mar 21, 2014 | art, art therapy, artists process, dawn patel art, domestic abuse, domestic violence, harassment, healing, healing from abuse, healing through art, visionary art, why paint?
Painting in Progress. The Escape is becoming a new painting. I’m still not sure of the new title.I posted my last post ten days ago. It began with the phrase “Victim no More,” and when I wrote it I knew that would...