by Dawn Patel | Nov 19, 2014 | anhinga, animals, art, art process, bear, fairy tales, friends, hummingbird, introvert, luna moth, painted stones, painting, sentient beings, snake, stories, watercolor
You have already been introduced to The Introvert… here in his traveling form.The Sentient Beings are a cast of characters I have been developing for years, I guess I can say my entire life. They are all coming to life, together! I am introducing you...
by Dawn Patel | Nov 6, 2014 | Brilliant Stranger, children, creative process, dawn patel art, fairy tales, introvert, never-ending story, painted stones, paintings, sentient beings, sketches, stories, watercolor
The Sentient Beings SketchbookAt the side of my bed I have a little sketchbook I have titled “Sentient Beings.” The characters that come to me are from another world. Some might call it the imagination, and some might call it another dimension....
by Dawn Patel | Nov 4, 2014 | acceptance, art process, artist, blogging, boundaries, dawn patel art, elections, idealism, life lessons, love, patience, values
With an election looming it’s hard not to think about values. We are bombarded by ads which presume an emotional connection to our values that will override our commonsense and analytical processes. Reading the news, scrolling through the Facebook...
by Dawn Patel | Oct 26, 2014 | Aristotle, art, art business, artists, artists process, artists studio, blogging, career, content, creative process, culture, focus, hamsa, hands, milagro, painting, style, symbols
Lately I’ve been pushing myself to focus. I love to paint, of that I am sure. But in the process of establishing a career for myself as an artist I have to also think practically, and focusing both the style and the content of my work is...
by Dawn Patel | Oct 22, 2014 | art, artists process, blogging, Brilliant Stranger, creative process, dawn patel art, etsy, judgement, laughter, letting go, life, miniature painting, practice, yoga, yoga practice
The longer version of this title is “What I have learned from my year of not doing yoga.” I’m not encouraging anyone to give up their yoga practice. Read on…Stretch your body and you stretch your mind. As Without, so...