by Dawn Patel | Oct 15, 2018 | ancestors, ancestry cloth, art as initiation, constraints of culture, initiation, initiation as art, performance, skeletons, structures of belief
This is the story of two initiations, one initiation into a World that has been created and decided by Fear, and one initiation into a Future that has Yet to be Created. Once, and once, and once again [within a time existing side by side with many other times]...
by Dawn Patel | Apr 15, 2017 | ancestor dress, ancestor dresses, ancestry cloth, ancestry clothing, art, art and nature, art is a hammer, art is a mirror, art is a needle and thread, art quotes, artist, artists journey, artists process
“Art is a mirror to nature.” ShakespeareHouse in the Woods 1989“Art is not a mirror held up to realitybut a hammer with which to shape it.” Bertolt BrechtThe Gulf Stream 1995“In a decaying society, art, if it is truthful, must also reflect decay. And...
by Dawn Patel | Mar 20, 2017 | artists process, Brilliant Stranger, consciousness, creative process, i am usha, parallel universe, Sentient Potential, sentient space, sentient universe, spirituality, unseen world, usha
I woke up this morning thinking two things. 1. I really should start working on an artist’s statement for “I Am Usha.”2. I am at an age where many people have reached the top of their field.And then, as I so often like to do, I completely deconstructed both of...
by Dawn Patel | Mar 11, 2017 | allegorical painting, art, being human, Brilliant Stranger, dawn patel art, faith, hermit life, hope, jung, nervous breakdown, painting, tension of opposites, visionary art
The Prophet by Kahlil GibranAnd a woman spoke, saying Tell us of Pain.And he said:Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its heart may stand in...
by Dawn Patel | Feb 8, 2017 | allegorical painting, ancestors, art, art and nature, art process, Brilliant Stranger, female power, feminine energy, visionary art, visionary painting, women
I sometimes hear voices. I kept pretty quiet about that my entire life, because, well, I was afraid of being judged by minds that do not understand such things. This has been a month of letting go of fears… so that one’s gone too.In the early...