Reflecting on Art as it Reflects Us.

Reflecting on Art as it Reflects Us.

“Art is a mirror to nature.”  ShakespeareHouse in the Woods 1989“Art is not a mirror held up to realitybut a hammer with which to shape it.”  Bertolt BrechtThe Gulf Stream 1995“In a decaying society, art, if it is truthful, must also reflect decay. And...

The Holes in the Fabric of Forgetting

Ancestry Cloth is an esoteric act, a symbolic act, a metaphor for the immigrant, for the nomad, for the wanderer.  It is a daily meditation, weaving together a forgetful monochromatic present with the colors and patterns just beyond memory. When I’m cutting...

Layers, Labyrinths and Ancestors

Mughals Dream  1996I’ve been so busy sewing cloth lately I can’t find time to write, but I have thoughts floating through my mind that threaten to leave me if I don’t give them my full attention.  Thoughts can be fickle and needy that way....