by Dawn Patel | Dec 31, 2014 | animals, art, art process, artist, artists process, being present, belief, Chance, creative process, gratitude, healing through art, intuition, language, poetry, sentient beings, seredipity
Today it occurs to me that the language of the Sentient Beings has to be poetryWork in Progress: “Chances of Drowning”But I argue, “I’m not a poet.” Well, I’m not a good one.I don’t know what to do.”A Pigeon...
by Dawn Patel | Sep 22, 2014 | artists process, bakery, being present, blue sky bakery, chicago, creative process, dawn patel art, free art friday, friends, my dog sighs, painted rocks, scones, seredipity, trompe l'oeil, vertical gallery
Ceci n’est pas une Scone I have to start with this… if you want to make a stone scone, the first thing that has to happen is that the universe has to align to bring you a perfectly formed rock in the shape of a scone. I guess you can go looking, but in my...