by Dawn Patel | Jan 5, 2017 | allegorical painting, ancestors, ancestry cloth, art process, art therapy, artist, artists journey, artists process, buddhism, conquering fear, consciousness, dark times, darkness, india, mystery, usha
The Dark. A natural and essential part of our existence. Not evil. Not inferior. Deep. Forceful. Darkness is intense, and so widely misunderstood. Who has not used the word “darkness” to describe something ominous and...
by Dawn Patel | Dec 25, 2016 | art and nature, Brilliant Stranger, conquering fear, dark times, darkness, dawn patel art, dreams, kali time, nature, relationship with nature, storytelling, visionary art, visionary painting, visions
In the earliest hours of morning our thoughts connect two worlds. Dreams open doors into a fluid world. In daylight the thick shell of the world hides from us from the truth we seek. We forget the stars are still there. This is my story of remembering. It is one of...
by Dawn Patel | Dec 19, 2016 | 2016 election, acceptance, art process, art world, artist, artists, artists journey, artists manifesto, artists process, consciousness, contemporary art, contemporary storytelling
A Confession, a Conclusion, a Manifesto….Otherwise titled, Five Years in the Journey of a Artist in the Age of UnenlightenmentOtherwise titled… Onward!Five years ago I sat a table with a small group of friends and revealed to them my decision to step away from the...
by Dawn Patel | Dec 12, 2016 | allegorical painting, ancestors, Brilliant Stranger, dawn patel art, kali, painting, refugees, usha. dark times, visionary art, visions
I have made two decisions this month.One is to leave paintings in their raw state.The Other is to share all of my visions, even the ones I have been quiet about.I don’t turn on a lightbulb. I see in the darkness and find my way through it.What i see in the dark,...
by Dawn Patel | Dec 2, 2016 | ancestor dress, ancestor dresses, ancestry cloth, ancestry clothing, art, contemporary art, contemporary storytelling, gypsy, immigrant, indigenous culture, nomad, Standing Rock, surivivors, wearable art
Ancestry Cloth is an esoteric act, a symbolic act, a metaphor for the immigrant, for the nomad, for the wanderer. It is a daily meditation, weaving together a forgetful monochromatic present with the colors and patterns just beyond memory. When I’m cutting...