The Stone Scone

The Stone Scone

Ceci n’est pas une Scone I have to start with this… if you want to make a stone scone, the first thing that has to happen is that the universe has to align to bring you a perfectly formed rock in the shape of a scone.  I guess you can go looking, but in my...

Planting Seeds and Gathering Fruit

Like so many of us, I’ve been thinking a lot these days about Presence.  That in itself seems to be a contradiction.  We cannot be present in the moment and lost in thought.  But here I am, day after day, contemplating the nature of my mind, it’s...

Chance and Circumstance

When life hands you lemons, make something nourishing, and get strongerIt’s been a long time since I’ve posted.  A lot has happened and I have not been in the right frame of mind to write about it.  When we are navigating through unexpected...

For Every Thing, There is a Season

 Close up of Painted Door…as of yet this is untitledPainted DoorIt’s been the spring of slow beginnings here in Door County Wisconsin.  It’s April 27 and it’s a chilly 37 degrees today.  None of the bulbs in our woods have...