The Tiger and the Swan

Authors note: I wrote and illustrated this story over 15 years ago. I never really did anything with it except to send it to one publisher and read it to the Quaker Friends Sunday School, and to my elementary students in Washburn, WI.  Some recent events made me...

Visionary Painting

Visionary Painting is a very broad term that many people claim.  In my opinion they are all valid but they are all not the same.I am not borrowing other’s philosophies that speak to me and making illustrative collages with known images in order to...

Ancestors – India

To speak of Ancestors of to speak of the past in its human form.   Dad leaving IndiaAn Ancestor Cape I finished this weekAll my life I’ve thought about India.  Before I was born my father left on a ship.  It set his life on a course that took him...

Layers, Labyrinths and Ancestors

Mughals Dream  1996I’ve been so busy sewing cloth lately I can’t find time to write, but I have thoughts floating through my mind that threaten to leave me if I don’t give them my full attention.  Thoughts can be fickle and needy that way....