The Stone Scone
Ceci n'est pas une Scone I have to start with this... if you want to make a stone scone, the first thing that has to happen is that the universe has to align to bring you a perfectly formed rock in the shape of a scone. I guess you can go looking, but in my...
When I was younger I wished to be appreciated, for belonging and acceptance, and to be a famous artist.I also wanted an ark of my very own, including a tiger, a soft-shelled turtle, every breed of dog in my very dog-eared copy of "Man's Best Friend" and a Platypus....
What is it good for?Absolutely Everything!
Mid life crisis?
It's been so long since I've last written a blog post, I was beginning to doubt the future of this venture. I've been busy living life, and with all the activity and changes that this summer brought to my life, blogging was not on my mind. But the days are...
Planting Seeds and Gathering Fruit
Like so many of us, I’ve been thinking a lot these days about Presence. That in itself seems to be a contradiction. We cannot be present in the moment and lost in thought. But here I am, day after day, contemplating the nature of my mind, it’s...
The Fun Begins!
This one is just in! #57 in Hudson Wisconsin. The Mystery Stone Project has launched, and it all started with these humble rocks! Here's Dale at Sturgeon Bay Sand and Gravel. If this project inspires you to paint a large quantity of rocks check out...
The Magical Mystery Stones
The Mystery Stone project will launch at the end of June. (please note, this was June 2014) Hundreds of little painted stones will be released into the world. It’s time to write about the mystery stones. It all began when I woke up one day and decided I...
This is the Place
My painting from 2000/2001 is now hanging at Lost Moth Gallery in Egg HarborThis is the place where the land and water meet. This is the place where the waves crash against your feet. This is the place where shore greets sea. This is the place where...
Chance and Circumstance
When life hands you lemons, make something nourishing, and get strongerIt's been a long time since I've posted. A lot has happened and I have not been in the right frame of mind to write about it. When we are navigating through unexpected changes in our...
For Every Thing, There is a Season
Close up of Painted of yet this is untitledPainted DoorIt's been the spring of slow beginnings here in Door County Wisconsin. It's April 27 and it's a chilly 37 degrees today. None of the bulbs in our woods have bloomed yet; we have just...